ugly shmucks

 Brendan smells
Brendan rocks hardcore
 Beaker smells
Beaker gives blood

 Dean smells
Dean busts a gut
 Jay smells
Jay rocks out

 a nugget picking good time
"I like to jam my little fingers up your nose."

 the boys rock out
Good God! The hellsih cries can be heard from miles around.

 Dean's got a sweet package
Dean covers up after realizing exactly where Jay & Scrote's hungry stares were directed.

 4 compete dorks
"Is that a Snickers Bar or a dog crap?" As usual, Dean's too cool to look.

 let's cut a rug
Beaker and Dean demonstrate the fine art of traditional Greek dance.

 proof of degenerate mating

 Deaniss exudes his power of 'cool'
...speaking of fly mack-daddies...

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