Oh Good god! Here you go... tons of great bands in the name of a great cause. What more could you ask for? You can order this CD through D.A.B. Records or Eiffel Trousers Records so do it. Do it now. Here is the lineup for this massive collection of rock. Exact track listing is coming soon:
Fifteen, Kid Dynamite, Blanks 77,
White Kaps, The Unseen, Anti-Flag,
I Farm, The Cuffs, Furious George,
The Goons, The Microwave Orphans, Boxcar,
Clump, Slappy, The Useless Fucks,
Just-Because, Dodge The Deathray, Yellowcard,
On The Might Of Princes, The Loiterers, Splurge,
Blind Society, Stick Figure Suicide, Sax 9,
Saturday Supercade, A Boy Called Spite, EBS,
48 In The Basement, Lipmonger, Space Robot Scientists
Hatrick, The Overdrives, Reagan Squad,
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